Tempo de leitura: 2 minutos

A British House do Rio de Janeiro entrará no clima de Jogos Olímpicos e realizará eventos diários em sua sede ao longo das duas próximas semanas. Nesse domingo, dia 7, a entidade organizará a conferência “Rugby is Great”, as 12h30 às 18h00, para discutir a indústria esportiva e seu impacto social. Entre os conferencistas estão Agustín Danza, CEO da Confederação Brasileira de Rugby, Gordon Banks, diretor do Saracens, da Inglaterra, Wayne Morris, Diretor Comunitário da Premiership inglesa, e Paul Clifton, apoiador do Try Rugby RJ.


Os painéis são os seguintes:

- Continua depois da publicidade -


  • Sports Education in the UK – courses in sports and the social engagement of universities in the UK:
    • Dr Paul Kitchin – Lecture in Sport Management, University of Ulster
    • Prof Simon Chadwick – ‘Class of 92′ Professor of Sports Enterprise, University of Salford
  • Major Sporting Events: how London 2012 and RWC 2015 leveraged sport legacy through private/public schools and communities?:
    • Tom Clift – Former Operations Manager for London 2012, Coventry Sport Foundation
    • Agustin Danza – CEO, Brazilian Rugby Confederation
  • Sports and Social Projects – using sport as a tool for social change:
    • Wayne Morris – CSR Community Director, Premiership Rugby
    • Eric Klug – Vice Director, British Council
    • Gordon Banks – Director, Saracens Rugby Club
  • Sponsorship: the importance of private investment to foment sports activities:
    • Marina Mattaraia – Director of Communication and Sustainability, CCR Nova Dutra
    • Paul Clifton – Quality Engineering Manager, JLR – Try Rugby RJ sponsor


Para mais informações: enquiries@britishhouserio.com